The sumbissions are closed. We hope to see as many of you as possible at the workshop!
The British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) is the British Machine Vision Association (BMVA) annual conference on machine vision, image processing, and pattern recognition. It is one of the major international conferences on computer vision and related areas held in the UK. With increasing popularity and quality, it has established itself as a prestigious event on the vision calendar.
Global spending on AI technology is expected to reach $57 billion by 2021. An increase of 4.5 times over the funds invested in 2017, as diverse industries are investing aggressively in projects that utilize cognitive/AI software capabilities. Machine vision (visual AI) is expected to account for at least a quarter of that spending.
The 1st Workshop on Visual AI and Entrepreneurship (VAIE) of BMVC 2019 aims to bring together researchers and industry practitioners in the domain of visual AI (computer vision) and provide a forum to present and discuss research done with, for and by industry, with preference given to the efforts focused on startups, SMEs and innovation activities within larger enterprises.
As such, the topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Visual Artificial Intelligence research done by startups, SMEs and industry.
- Industrial case studies and position papers focusing on applications of visual AI within startups, SMEs and industrial systems.
- Demos of systems and prototypes based on visual artificial intelligence.
- Statistics and machine learning for vision and multimedia processing.
- Research studies on all the topics of interest to the BMVC itself, provided that a clear link between the research study and a startup, SME or industrial entity can be demonstrated in the camera-ready paper.
In addition to the classical BMVC paper format we plan to solicit submissions in the form of a short position paper or industrial case study of maximum 4 pages not including references.
The workshop will take place on September 12th, 2019 at the University of Cardiff, room C0.07.
Important Dates
- August 25th - Demo Proposal Submission
- July 15th - Workshop Paper Submission
- August 1st - Acceptance Notification
- August 11th - Camera-ready submission
- September 12th - Workshop (room C0.07)
Learn more:
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