University Teaching
Undergraduate, Graduate and PhD, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, 2019
Over the last 2 decades, I’ve taught and created numerous courses at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, as I progressed from a TA to Full Professor. I’ve also served as a TA and an instructor at the Florida Atlantic University, during my PhD studies.
These days most of my materials have migrated to our e-Learning platform, so this page is reduced to a non-exhaustive list of the stuff I’ve taught. Not sure of what use it is to anybody, but just in case. If not explicitly stated otherwise, the courses were taught at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad.
Undergraduate Courses
- Design of Custom Computer Systems.
- Design of Real-Time Systems.
- Business Process Automation.
- Algorithms and Data Structures.
- Computer Technology.
- Business intelligence.
- Data mining methods.
- Logic Design, Florida Atlantic University, USA.
- Introduction to Microprocessors, Florida Atlantic University, USA and University of Novi Sad, Serbia.
- Applied electronics, Technical College Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Master Courses
- E-Business Technology.
- Advanced Information Technology.
- Multimedia and Global Media.
- Data Mining.
- Big Data.
- Deep learning methods.
PhD Courses
- Data Mining.
- Raster and Imaging Technologies in Industrial Engineering and Management.
- Computer Vision.
- Deep learning and biologically inspired machine learning.
- Computer vision and information extraction from multimedia.